Monday, September 19, 2011

the morning air.

then i found the reason why.
the reason i feel glad if i'm able to stay after subuh.

waving at the flying birds.
stand beside the window and taking deep breath.
a refreshing morning in segamat.
the mist between the mountain view.

what more could i have ask for?

they said that the darker the sky,
the more concentrate the oxygen.
then i know i won't miss this chance.

and i miss the moment when i'm with my mom.
jogged around the lake in shah alam.
saw the old couples jogged together.
some groups of people taichi-ing
while some do qi-gong i guess

i just love the morning air!

macam ada orang pernah cakap dia pun suka morning air, siapa eh?

i'll start the final exam today.
pray for the best.
rabbuna yusahhil.

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