Wednesday, April 30, 2014

the thing is

the thing is they're not finish yet
"mana ada, dah lama dah"
"tak ada dah"


"tadi dia sebenarnya..."
"takpe, tiada apa yang dapat memisahkan kita"

the thing is let get this thing finish.

let's say goodbye to the jahiliyah
let's say goodbye to everything that dragged you back

sorry i'm not living eternally to just sit and watch
sorry i could not spend more time to waste my life
sorry i need to live on my life with my own mission and vision

waking up the sleeping giant is ain't easy. haih.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

what makes people trust you

kepercayaan dari orang lain bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah dijual beli atau dipaksa arah. kepercayaan datang dari hujung hati seorang manusia. bila mana hilang sesuatu kepercayaan maka hilanglah segalanya, when lose the trust you lose everything. bukan mudah membina rasa percaya. apatah lagi bila ada peristiwa yang merosakkan kepercayaan itu dan menyentuh soal hukum. benarlah jahiliyah itu seperti virus, perlu dibasmi sepenuhnya, sehabisnya tanpa walau sekecil sisa biar apa pun nilai sentimental yang ada padanya.

berteguhlah pada tali Allah, pada jalan sebenar yang menuju kejayaan yang hakiki.

what makes your stand

setiap satu langkah dalam kehidupan akan membentuk diri kita. maka sangat penting untuk kita memilih langkah yang baik. juga segala ilmu di sepanjang perjalanan hidup sangat mempengaruhi kita. sebagai manusia kita tidak selayaknya menjadi manusia yang biasa-biasa, mengikut arus lalang, mengikut arus manusia yang lain.

menghadapi pelbagai gelagat dalam kehidupan memerlukan kita kepada prinsip. prinsip yang tidak akan berubah walau bagaimana keadaan sekali pun. prinsip yang paling kuat dan tidak boleh ditoleransikan hanyalah prinsip Al-Quran dan Sunnah. hukum Allah mengatasi segala hukum yang lain, mengatasi segala rasa hati manusia, mengatasi segala teori manusia.

yang haram tetap haram. yang halal tetap halal. bahkan ada yang halal boleh menjadi harus atau haram, bila mana ia memudaratkan atau menzalimi hak yang lain. betapa banyak perkara yang tak mampu menghalalkan sesuatu perkara walaupun niatnya baik, sungguh niat tak mampu menghalalkan cara, sungguh tempoh masa tak mampu menghalalkan sesuatu hubungan, sungguh nilai wang tak mampu menghalalkan sesuatu yang haram.

biarpun payah kita ingin menegakkan hukum tuhan, bermujahadahlah ke arahnya, setiap langkah ke arah itu beriringan dengannya hasanah, beriringan dengan kebaikan dan ganjaran di sisi Allah, maka ganjaran yang manakah yang lebih baik berbanding ganjaran dari tuhanmu.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

choose to stay

We would see in every stages of life, there will be challenges that will bring you down, being dragged by the pain, the unstoppable tears, then later makes you closer to Him, then later makes you stronger than before. 

You might fight them physically or even legally. Bring the case to the court perhaps. Somehow you choose to stay strong and giving hope and chances. Always hope for a better days everyday. You might even just leave the situation but you choose to stay because you believe that Allah has decided for you to stay there. Everything comes from Allah and you ask Allah to bless and grant you with the unlimited strength so that you can survive by His blessing. 

Everyday you pray that the bad person will disappear from your life but unfortunately she  seems love to stay there and keep tickling your life. Perhaps she keep telling bad about you so you will be down and feel like everything is going to be an end. Fortunately you believe, Allah is the god, Allah is the one who will decide everything, not her, and not even you to decide. 

Everyday you ask for a new hope. Hoping everyone will tell you that there's still hope for you. Hoping everyone will tell you that's normal to have such situation. Hoping everyone will tell you that the bad person will realize her fault very soon. Hoping that she will make her promise true. Hoping that she's not making a fake promises anymore. So that you can feel release. So that you can see a light even it's looks tiny and narrow at the end of your journey. 

You know Allah is near by your side. He watches everything. He knows exactly what you feel inside. He knows exactly what you hope for. He knows. 

terus gagah

When this morning my mom texted me, 
"You need to be strong to face the non-Hira' world"

Well I'm not telling you that Hira' is the best or the people there are the holiest people in the world or what. It may be varied among other batches of Hira'.  Anyhow we usually bonded strongly among each other. Tell me let the oceans or mountains come, we would stand strong for each other. 

Be strong baby!
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