Friday, September 23, 2011

we do love 8 a.m.

it's almost one week there's no sun in Segamat.
everything was so cold
wrap and cuddle yourself in a blanket.
me myself wrapped in a sleeping bag.

today when i feel the warmth of sun rise.
i miss something.

and realize how beautiful the sun.

1. And by the sun and its brightness;

2. And by the moon as it follows it (the sun);

3. And by the day as it shows up (the sun's) brightness;

4. And by the night as it conceals it (the sun);

5. And by the heaven and Him Who built it;

6. And by the earth and Him Who spread it,

7. And by Nafs (Adam or a person or a soul, etc.), and Him Who perfected hi

m in proportion;

8. Then He showed him what is wrong for him and what is right for him;

9. Indeed he succeeds who purifies his ownself (i.e. obeys and performs all that Allah ordered, by following the true Faith of Islamic Monotheism and by doing righteous good deeds).

10. And indeed he fails who corrupts his ownself (i.e. disobeys what A

llah has ordered by rejecting the true Faith of Islamic Monotheism or by following polytheism, etc. or by doing every kind of evil wicked deeds).

11. Thamud (people) denied (their Prophet) through their transgression (by rejecting the true Faith of Islamic Monotheism, and by following polytheism, and by committing every kind of sin).

12. When the most wicked man among them went forth (to kill the she-camel).

13. But the Messenger of Allah [Salih (Saleh)] said to them: "Be cautious

! Fear the evil end. That is the she-camel of Allah! (Do not harm it) and bar it not from having its drink!"

14. Then they denied him and they killed it. So their Lord destroyed them b

ecause of their sin, and made them equal in destruction (i.e. all grades of

people, rich and poor, strong and weak, etc.)!

15. And He (Allah) feared not the consequences thereof.

i miss you.

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