Thursday, March 1, 2012


Final exam is just around the corner. Well yeah, kupu-kupu dah mula menari-nari gelisah dalam perut. Ouch. Ouch! There's a list of work to be done. Tones of works to do and absolutely need a great mujahadah too!

Rabbuna yuqawwiy ya Allah.

In two weeks time I've put some plan for the final exam. The second last week, spend time and 'berjimba' bersama sahabat-sahabat girang. We've got inspired by the Native Deen : My Faith My Voice Malaysia Showcase here in Cultural Activity Center, IIUM. It was like a 'wow'! Met up some great people. Berpeluk cium, bergosip riang, bertanya khabar di sana sini, update hikayat hidup masing-masing, melayan marble cheese cake and chocolate indulgence comot-comot :D

Subhanallah, it was just an awesome weekend! Thanks Allah for blessing me these great and beautiful friends!

Juga mahu pulang ke kampung halaman yang tak berapa nak kampung dah. Rindu nenek and segalanya di situ. Mahu melayan nafsu perut sebelum berjimba dengan buku-buku boleh?

The awesome gulai tempoyak ikan patin and mango cheese cake.
Oh Allah, kenapa sedap sangat dua benda ni?

Hey sweetie, maka nikmatkah yang kamu dustakan? After all this while, susah nak deny kan semua nikmat ni? This remind me back once in a tafseer's class, the verse from Ali Imran 164 ;

"....yang membaca kepadanya ayat-ayat-Nya..."

Let's discuss about the tafseer of 'membaca' or here dia cakap 'yatlu' or sebenarnya boleh derived as tilawah. What is tilawah then?

Tilawah can be defined in two ways, which is by qauliyah or by kauniyah.

Qauliyah is by word. Oh tilawah is membaca. Macam orang baca quran dalam TV tula kan. Tilawah quran time ramadhan and so on.

While tilawah by kauniyah is membaca ayat-ayat or the sign of Creator around us. Tilawah yang boleh berlaku dalam bentuk melihat, mendengar, menghayati or anything such.

Maka, bergosip riang yang mengandungi butir-butir hikmah yang menjernih jiwa juga tilawah. Bercomot-comot dengan Chocolate Indulgence sambil berkisah tentang teman-teman di Syria juga boleh jadi tilawah.

Ngee. Let's be creative in tilawah! Dibawa ke mana sahaja nama Allah. Sering mengingatkan di mana Allah aku letak saat ini. Sering muhasabah agar tidak tersasar atau jika sudah terlajak agar masih boleh kembali.

Subhanllah, sokay i think it's enough. Berazam memohon rayu dalam doa supaya jadi extra rajin, tidak mudah putus asa atau mudah bermalas-malas. Hoyeah! Tolong aishah ya Allah.

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