Friday, October 14, 2011

lovey-dovey stuff

yeah i know i'm 20.
ehe. 21 in less than 3 months.

but can we ignore this stuff for now?
we can't expect what may happen in the future.
let the lovey-dovey stuff come cross.
but can we just say hi to them?

ehe. hi love!
nice to meet you.
but can you come and visit me again soon?

keke :)

because i prefer friendship than love-ship. ehe. ada ke?
love ship is full of risk.
i got enough risk for my study.

well, a real boyfriend is as haram as a fake one.
nanti dah couple nak cukup kasih sayang merajuk la. jealous la.
while i'm just his girlfriend who can do nothing much.
takkan nak kena pujuk rayu.
nak kena peluk pinjam bahu nangis-nangis.

ehe. or should just marry? sounds gatal.
but that is the most appropriate way to have a legal and halal boyfriend.
somehow it's not the time yet.
or is there any one have the courage to do so?

so lets pray for my unknown husband-to-be get the enough courage to meminang me.
sorry, i'm not interested in making such girlfriend-boyfriend relationship.
ehe. but you can be my friend :)
then lets the time fair us.

jiwang meremang is not cool okay!
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